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Tudor Insurance Group - Health Insurance page

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Health Insurance HomeWhat type of Individual  Health Insurance??

Health Savings Accounts (HSA's ) new in the last 10 years - Higher deductiles with Family Deductible.
$2,500 deductible with a $5,000 family Deductible  the 100% co insurance means after deductible all is paid at 100%
Benefit  - Lower Premiums          Con - insured pays negotiated fee up to deductible.

$250,000 yearly Health Insurance  benefit limit  with $3,000,000 or $5,000,000 lifetime benefit.  Premium savings and you still have co-pays at dr. offices  and can have RX(Prescription card) benefits.

True PPO plans  

Blue Cross® Blue Shield® of Arizona      Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental

Dental Insurance Plans

Accidental Insurance

Prescription Insurance

All types of Group Health Insurance     2-9 employees   10-50 employees  51 + employees. 

Human Insurance Co.

United Health Insurance Co.


+ many others.

Call us at  480 656 4099      866 271 4650    

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